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Design Philosophy

The solution design philosophy of this consulting practice is based around the idea of Design for Change.

All requirements will change over time — the essential task is to anticipate the unknown by building flexibility and adaptability into every solution to a business problem. The technology we use is powerful and constantly evolving and improving, but this power is generally useless unless it is applied in a way that quickly and effectively (with high quality) can be adapted to new needs as they arise.

Products and processes tend to become 'brittle' over time, unless design for change is considered when they are first conceived and applied whenever a change is made.

Brittle in this context means a system that tends to break when changed.

Everyone working with business technology has experienced systems -- be they products, processes or programs -- that become too dangerous to change.

One small change may fix a problem or fulfill a new need but several, often times dozens, of additional troubles arise making the risk of failure much greater than the benefit of the initial improvement.

The old model of "marketing does requirements and hands those off to engineering for realization" is outdated and no longer viable, if it ever was.

Workers involved with technology whether they are in management, marketing, engineering or customer service must continue to learn throughout their careers. Our tools continue to advance and evolve, and so must we. The core of this practice is to facilitate this learning process and mentor the development of new products and processes designed to evolve continuously.

The problem at hand must be solved, but today's solution will never be enough for tomorrow. Only adaptability at the core will ever overcome brittleness. When conceptualized correctly, most systems can become more stable over time rather than increasingly brittle.

This is not to suggest this sort of change is easy – far from it. It is accomplished with the proper focus throughout an organization, particularly on the problem solving team – a team of individuals responsible for the various aspects of the project and representing all of the major business functions.